

  • October 9, 2019

在我的聯繫人中,我希望在一個地方找到現有對象(結構),然後在多個地方使用它來讀取和修改它 - 但似乎不可能?

contract A
   struct Prop

   struct App
       Prop[] props;

   App[] apps;

   function AddProp(string memory name) public
       App memory a = FindApp(name);

       if(bytes( > 0)
           a.props.push(Prop()); // TypeError: Data location must be "memory" for return parameter in function, but "storage" was given.

           revert('Application not found');        

   function FindApp(string memory name) public returns (App memory) // can't return 'storage'
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < apps.length; i++)
           if(apps[i].name == name)
               return apps[i];

       return App();


我必須更改很多東西才能編譯此程式碼,但是您缺少的重要部分是公共函式不能返回儲存引用(因為外部呼叫者對此無能為力),而是內部(或private) 函式可以:

pragma solidity 0.5.11;

contract A
   struct Prop
       uint256 foo; // empty structs are not allowed

   struct App
       string name; // added this because it was used elsewhere
       Prop[] props;

   App[] apps;

   function AddProp(string memory name) public
       App storage a = FindApp(name); // storage

       if(bytes( > 0)
           revert('Application not found');        

   function FindApp(string memory name) internal view returns (App storage) // storage
       bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name));
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < apps.length; i++)
           // string equality is not defined, have to compare hashes
           if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(apps[i].name)) == hash)
               return apps[i];

       revert("Not found."); // Wasn't sure what to do here... you can't just return a new App because you need to return something from storage
