Swarm、IPFS 和 STORJ 的激勵系統有什麼區別?
閱讀IPFS 和 Swarm 之間的比較,我遇到了這個部分:
Filecoin is a sister project of IPFS, it adds an incentivisation layer to IPFS and relies on its own altchain. Proof of retrievability "mining" on the filecoin blockchain is a scheme providing ongoing compensation to storers for preserving content. Random audits as part of the proof of work task are responded to with proof of retrievability and the winning miners get compensated accordingly. Such a system has inherent limitations: IPFS can only implement positive incentives and relies on collective responsibilty.
only implement positive incentives and relies on collective responsibility
呢?Swarm 的激勵系統有什麼 Filecoin/Storj 沒有做到的嗎?
正向激勵意味著節點因儲存內容而獲得獎勵。filecoin 的可回收證明挖礦就是這樣一種方案。