我有一個 Raspnode (rPi2B+),它太慢了,幾天后似乎沒有同步區塊鏈……
我想同步筆記型電腦中的節點並將其移動(修剪)到 Raspnode。
我已經複製並粘貼了 .bitcoin 文件夾中的所有文件,當我執行
bitcoind -daemon
命令時,以下內容位於 debug.log 文件中2016-03-22 23:25:55 Opening LevelDB in /home/pi/bitcoinData/blocks/index 2016-03-22 23:25:59 Opened LevelDB successfully 2016-03-22 23:25:59 Opening LevelDB in /home/pi/bitcoinData/chainstate 2016-03-22 23:25:59 Opened LevelDB successfully 2016-03-22 23:26:37 LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file = 474 2016-03-22 23:26:45 LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file info: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=57, size=47829393, heights=403730...403810, time=2016-03-22..$ 2016-03-22 23:26:48 Checking all blk files are present... 2016-03-22 23:26:48 LoadBlockIndexDB(): Block files have previously been pruned 2016-03-22 23:26:48 LoadBlockIndexDB: transaction index disabled 2016-03-22 23:26:49 LoadBlockIndexDB: hashBestChain=000000000000000005323717f768df54444ee6dfccbe080548287f120546e6e3 height=403810 date=2016-03$ 2016-03-22 23:26:49 init message: Verifying blocks... 2016-03-22 23:26:49 Verifying last 288 blocks at level 3 2016-03-22 23:26:51 LevelDB read failure: Corruption: not an sstable (bad magic number) 2016-03-22 23:27:14 Corruption: not an sstable (bad magic number) 2016-03-22 23:27:14 : Error opening block database. Do you want to rebuild the block database now? 2016-03-22 23:27:14 Aborted block database rebuild. Exiting. 2016-03-22 23:27:14 Shutdown: In progress... 2016-03-22 23:27:14 scheduler thread interrupt 2016-03-22 23:27:14 StopNode() 2016-03-22 23:27:14 Shutdown: done 2016-03-22 23:39:01 AppInit2 : parameter interaction: -prune -> setting -disablewallet=1 2016-03-22 23:39:05 Prune configured to target 30000MiB on disk for block and undo files. 2016-03-22 23:39:08
這個想法是在我的筆記型電腦中同步節點,然後在 rapsberry pi 上保持同步(和修剪),因為我不能一直在筆記型電腦中執行節點。
複製 .bitcoin 文件夾應該可以。在嘗試複製之前,確保 bitcoind 沒有執行(嘗試 ps -ef | grep bitcoin)。還要確保 bitcoin.conf 在兩個地方都相同
此外,使用新的datadir、rpcuser和rpcpassword更改 bitcoin.conf 文件