

  • March 28, 2015


已經有三代測試網。測試網 2 只是第一個使用不同創世塊重置的測試網,因為人們開始用測試網硬幣換取真錢。Testnet3 是目前的測試網路。它是在 0.7 版本中引入的,引入了第三個創世塊,一個避免“難度太高,現在太低,交易驗證時間太長”問題的新規則,並包含設計了邊緣案例交易的塊測試實現兼容性。

我有興趣了解 Testnet(1) 和 Testnet2:差異,每個版本被棄用的原因(特別是人們如何/為什麼銷售 TBTC)。我對“歷史背景”很感興趣,就像我對更改到新的測試網版本的技術原因一樣。


似乎 testnet3 重置是因為兼容性問題:

“Mark III”,因為這是測試網的第三個創世區塊。重置的主要原因是為了獲得更“健全”的測試網路;隨著 BIP16 和 BIP30 以及測試網難度區塊鏈規則的改變,舊的測試網變得一團糟,老客戶端提供不同的、不兼容的鏈。


testnet2 的創建早於比特幣郵件列表,但鑑於 #bitcoin-dev 中的討論,我認為它的發生是因為 testnet 的難度太高:

17:04   slush   btw any chance to reset testnet?
17:05   tcatm   you could use your pool and a modified bitcoind to reset it in about 6 hours
17:05   slush   no, I don't want to connect pool to testnet ;)
17:06   slush   But new genesis block in next release should solve this, right?
17:07   gavinandresen   You talking about possible testnet reset?
17:08   slush   it would be nice. It's practically impossible to 'test' anything on testnet :)
17:08   gavinandresen   If you have two machines you can create your own private testnet
17:09   gavinandresen   ... but you can't test until they've generated at least 100 blocks.
17:10   slush   gavinandresen: agree, but is there any reason for keeping difficulty so high?
17:10   gavinandresen   Nope
[Edited for length.]

