使用 Python trie 建構 transactionsTrie。為什麼我的 Transactionsroot 錯誤?
我正在嘗試用 python 建構一個 TransactionsTrie。我正在使用這個
$$ trie $$$$ 1 $$-圖書館。我按照說明進行操作。 編輯:刪除了原始問題,因為它很愚蠢。
@carver 非常感謝。你的回復真的很有幫助。所以我正在嘗試使用您從 py-evm 引用的方法。
import requests import json import ethereum.utils as utils from eth.db.trie import make_trie_root_and_nodes as make_trie from eth.rlp.transactions import BaseTransactionFields from eth.rlp.transactions import BaseTransaction url = '' headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" } data = {} data['jsonrpc'] = '2.0' data['id'] = 1 data['method'] = 'eth_getBlockByHash' data['params'] = ["0xd993562b847a2b61f858ee2baa2351f05e22d755d3657444f06a8c51f88a11f8", True] data = json.dumps(data) response =, headers=headers, data=str(data) ) print(response.text) block = json.loads(response.text) result = block['result'] raw_transactions = result['transactions'] transactions = tuple() for tx in raw_transactions: nonce = tx['nonce'] nonce = utils.int_to_big_endian(int(nonce[2:], 16)) gas_price = tx['gasPrice'] gas_price = utils.int_to_big_endian(int(gas_price[2:], 16)) gas = tx['gas'] gas = utils.int_to_big_endian(int(gas[2:], 16)) to = tx['to'] to = bin(int(to[2:], 16)) value = tx['value'] value = utils.int_to_big_endian(int(value[2:], 16)) data = tx['input'] print(data) if data != '0x': data = bin(int(data[2:], 16)) else: data = bin(0) print(data) v = tx['v'] v = utils.int_to_big_endian(int(v[2:], 16)) r = tx['r'] r = utils.int_to_big_endian(int(r[2:], 16)) s = tx['s'] s = utils.int_to_big_endian(int(s[2:], 16)) f = BaseTransactionFields(nonce = nonce, gas_price = gas_price, gas = gas, to = to, value = value, data = data, v = v, r = r, s = s) transactions += tuple(f) tx_root, _ = make_trie(transactions) print(tx_root.hex())
我的 txRoot 仍然與 Block 中的不同。我究竟做錯了什麼?
在乙太坊中建構事務樹時,鍵和值都是 rlp 編碼的。關鍵是從零開始的包含順序,值是完整的交易(不是散列)。
您可以看到trinity 用於生成事務 trie的範例實用程序(為清晰起見進行了編輯):
items = tuple(rlp.encode(object) for object in rlp_objects) kv_store = {} # type: Dict[Hash32, bytes] trie = HexaryTrie(kv_store, BLANK_ROOT_HASH) for index, item in enumerate(items): index_key = rlp.encode(index, sedes=rlp.sedes.big_endian_int) trie[index_key] = item transaction_root = trie.root_hash