如何在 Gitlab CI 中執行 Truffle Solidity 測試?
這是我的 .gitlab-ci.yml 文件,靈感來自@GrandFleet 的回答:
image: node:latest cache: paths: - node_modules/ stages: - test test_async: stage: test services: - trufflesuite/ganache-cli script: - npm install truffle - ./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js compile - ./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js migrate --network gitlab - ./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js test --network gitlab
當我在 Gitlab 上執行它時,我得到這個錯誤
./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js migrate --network gitlab
:$ ./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js migrate --network gitlab Compiling your contracts... =========================== > Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile. Unknown network "gitlab". See your Truffle configuration file for available networks. Truffle v5.4.25 (core: 5.4.25) Node v17.2.0 Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:01 ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
我應該在我的 truffle-config.js 中建立一個 Gitlab 網路嗎?如果是這樣,怎麼辦?
這是我的 truffle-config.js 文件:
module.exports = { networks: { development: { host: "", // Localhost (default: none) port: 7545, // Standard Ethereum port (default: none) network_id: "*", // Any network (default: none) }, }, // Configure your compilers compilers: { solc: { version: "0.8.10", // Fetch exact version from solc-bin (default: truffle's version) // docker: true, // Use "0.5.1" you've installed locally with docker (default: false) settings: { // See the solidity docs for advice about optimization and evmVersion optimizer: { enabled: false, runs: 200 }, } } } };
要在 Gitlab CI 上執行測試,我們需要使用像 Ropsten、Kovan 或 Rinkeby 這樣的測試網路。在 truffle-config.js 中,在網路中,添加(如果使用 Ropsten,在這種情況下):
ropsten: { provider: () => { return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, rpc_url); }, network_id: '3', }
.gitlab-ci.yml 文件應如下所示:
image: node:latest cache: paths: - node_modules/ stages: - test test_async: stage: test services: - trufflesuite/ganache-cli script: - echo "MNEMONIC"=$MNEMONIC >> ".env" - export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider - npm install truffle - ./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js compile - ./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js migrate --network ropsten - ./node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js test --network ropsten
其中 –network ropsten 指的是 truffle-config.js 中定義的“ropsten”網路。
我在本教程中編寫了更詳細的解決方案:https ://