
Truffle 腳本:從賬戶轉移乙太幣後,不顯示智能合約 (SC) 的目前餘額222立即地

  • June 10, 2021


pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract MySC1 {
   address owner;
   constructor() public {
       owner = msg.sender;
   function sendTo(address payable receiver, uint amount) public {
   function() external payable{

我正在從 account2 轉移它的乙太幣,但是當我檢查餘額時它仍然為零:

$ truffle exec ts4.js
Using network 'development'.

acc2 balance 100000000000000000000 address 0xEa719Cf8f777350c0D0B0be8cc4A90Aa95f36898
SC1 deployed 0x43ba105f5DeC27B9c4183c95971672e53EaA9a64
SC2 deployed 0xc80c3fDE077Ce7360e738BB6525A92bf7953ea51
Initial SC1: 0x43ba105f5DeC27B9c4183c95971672e53EaA9a64  balance is 0
Initial SC2: 0xc80c3fDE077Ce7360e738BB6525A92bf7953ea51  balance is 0
11 Ether from 0xEa719Cf8f777350c0D0B0be8cc4A90Aa95f36898, sc1: 0x43ba105f5DeC27B9c4183c95971672e53EaA9a64  balance is 0


$ truffle exec ts4.js
Using network 'development'.

acc2 balance 88999579200000000000 address 0xEa719Cf8f777350c0D0B0be8cc4A90Aa95f36898
SC1 deployed 0x43ba105f5DeC27B9c4183c95971672e53EaA9a64
SC2 deployed 0xc80c3fDE077Ce7360e738BB6525A92bf7953ea51
Initial SC1: 0x43ba105f5DeC27B9c4183c95971672e53EaA9a64  balance is 11000000000000000000
Initial SC2: 0xc80c3fDE077Ce7360e738BB6525A92bf7953ea51  balance is 0
11 Ether from 0xEa719Cf8f777350c0D0B0be8cc4A90Aa95f36898, sc1: 0x43ba105f5DeC27B9c4183c95971672e53EaA9a64  balance is 11000000000000000000


// Contracts
const  MySC1 = artifacts.require("MySC1")

module.exports = async function(callback) {
try {
   // Fetch accounts from wallet - these are unlocked
   const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
   // Set up account to transferEther to Victim
   const acc2 = accounts[2]
   acc2bal = await web3.eth.getBalance(acc2)
   web3.utils.fromWei(acc2bal, "ether")
   console.log('acc2 balance', acc2bal, 'address',acc2)
   // Fetch the deployed exchange
   const sc1 = await MySC1.deployed()
   console.log('SC1 deployed', sc1.address)
   sc1bal = await web3.eth.getBalance(sc1.address)
   web3.utils.fromWei(sc1bal, "ether")
   console.log(`Initial SC1:`,sc1.address,` balance is ${sc1bal}`)
   amount = '11'
   web3.eth.sendTransaction({to:sc1.address, from:acc2, value: web3.utils.toWei(amount)})
   sc1bal = await web3.eth.getBalance(sc1.address)
   web3.utils.fromWei(sc1bal, "ether")
   console.log(`${amount} Ether from ${acc2}, sc1:`, sc1.address,` balance is ${sc1bal}`)

 catch(error) {


您可以嘗試等待 sendTransaction 嗎?

await web3.eth.sendTransaction({to:sc1.address, from:acc2, value: web3.utils.toWei(amount)})
