我可以從 Compound Finance Protocol 中藉用更多的賬戶流動性嗎?
我正在開發一個允許使用者在 ETH 上做多/做空的應用程序。走長:
- 向 Compound 協議提供 eth
- 從 Compound Protocol 借用穩定幣(針對提供的 eth)
- 用這個借來的穩定幣在 Uniswap 上購買 eth
- 持有直到eth價格上漲
- 在 Uniswap 上出售 eth,以換取穩定幣
- 將藉入的穩定幣償還給 Compound(連同借入利息)
- 保留差額(以及在 Compound 上賺取的利息)和利潤
- 利潤將以穩定幣形式(可兌換)
我的問題:在提供 ETH 後,當我借用 DAI 並在 Uniswap 上兌換時,即使借入餘額超過流動性,我也可以多次這樣做。
我的智能合約- https://github.com/Rushanksavant/Crypto-Long-Short-Trades/blob/main/contracts/contractLong.sol
JavaScript 程式碼(反應,ethersjs):
import React from "react"; import { ethers } from 'ethers' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' // import axios from 'axios' import Web3Modal from 'web3modal' import contractLong from "../artifacts/contracts/contractLong.sol/contractLong.json" import Nav from "../components/Nav"; const contractLong_add = "0x8f86403A4DE0BB5791fa46B8e795C547942fE4Cf"; export default function Long() { const [supplyAmount, setSupplyAmount] = useState(0); const [maxBorrow, setMaxBorrow] = useState(0); const [borrowBalance, setBorrowBalance] = useState(0); const [accLiquidity, setAccLiquidity] = useState(0); const [contractBalance, setContractBalance] = useState(0); let web3Modal; let connection; let provider; let signer; useEffect(() => { init() }, []) async function init() { web3Modal = new Web3Modal() connection = await web3Modal.connect() provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(connection) signer = provider.getSigner() } async function supplyETH() { init() const Long = new ethers.Contract(contractLong_add, contractLong.abi, signer) let transaction = await Long.supply({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther(supplyAmount) }) await transaction.wait() } async function goLong() { init() const Long = new ethers.Contract(contractLong_add, contractLong.abi, signer) await Long.goLong_ETH(parseInt(0.5 * maxBorrow), Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 60 * 10) } async function get_info() { init() const Long = new ethers.Contract(contractLong_add, contractLong.abi, provider) setSupplyAmount(parseInt(await Long.callStatic.getSuppliedBalance())); setMaxBorrow(parseInt(await Long.callStatic.getMaxBorrow())) setBorrowBalance(parseInt(await Long.callStatic.getBorrowBalance())) setAccLiquidity(parseInt(await Long.callStatic.getAccountLiquidity())) setContractBalance(parseInt(await provider.getBalance(contractLong_add))) console.log(await Long.callStatic.getAccountLiquidity()) } async function closePosition() { init() const Long = new ethers.Contract(contractLong_add, contractLong.abi, signer) let transaction = await Long.claimProfits(Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 60 * 10) await transaction.wait() } return ( <div className="bg-gray-800"> <Nav /> <div className="flex lg:flex-row items-stretch justify-between lg:px-0 px-6 lg:py-20 py-8 2xl:mx-auto 2xl:container"> <div className="z-30 relative lg:w-1/2"> <div className="hidden relative dark:bg-gray-800 bg-black w-full lg:w-10/12 lg:h-full lg:flex justify-end items-center"> <img src="https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/stock-market-investment-graph-on-financial-numbers-abstract-picture-id1372263450?k=20&m=1372263450&s=612x612&w=0&h=hsM29khQqyPRanTBQg_lSNdJfi9MsP97cC1zlZLKQho=" alt="image with decent chairs" className="w-full relative z-30 lg:h-full" /> <div className="w-3/4 absolute -right-20 z-30 px-6 py-10 bg-black h-5/6"> <button className="text-white text-2xl font-bold text-center underline lg:mb-3" onClick={get_info}>Live Status:</button><br></br> <p className="text-white text-lg my-2 font-serif">Supplied Amount -</p><p className="text-yellow-500 text-lg my-2 font-serif">{supplyAmount}</p> <p className="text-white text-lg my-2 font-serif">-----------------------</p> <p className="text-white text-lg my-2 font-serif">Max Borrow -</p><p className="text-yellow-500 text-lg my-2 font-serif">{maxBorrow}</p> <p className="text-white text-lg my-2 font-serif">Borrow Baalnce Current -</p><p className="text-yellow-500 text-lg my-2 font-serif">{borrowBalance}</p> <p className="text-white text-lg my-2 font-serif">Account Liquidity -</p><p className="text-yellow-500 text-lg my-2 font-serif">{accLiquidity}</p> <p className="text-white text-lg my-2 font-serif">-----------------------</p> <p className="text-white text-lg my-2 font-serif">ETH holded -</p><p className="text-yellow-500 text-lg my-2 font-serif">{contractBalance}</p> </div> <div className="w-full lg:w-auto lg:-mr-32 lg:pl-20"> <div className="w-full relative z-30 lg:pl-5 px-6 py-20 bg-gray-800 lg:mt-10"></div> <div className="w-full relative z-30 lg:pl-5 px-6 py-20 bg-gray-800 lg:pt-5"></div> <div className="w-full relative z-30 lg:pl-5 px-6 py-20 bg-gray-800"></div> <div className="w-full relative z-30 lg:pl-5 px-6 py-20 bg-gray-800 lg:mb-10"></div> </div> </div> <div className="absolute top-0 dark:bg-gray-800 bg-black md:h-96 w-full hidden md:block lg:hidden"></div> </div> <div className="bg-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-800 lg:w-1/2 lg:ml-20 lg:p-14 p-8 flex shadow-lg"> <div> <h1 className="dark:text-white md:w-8/12 lg:w-10/12 xl:8/12 2xl:w-8/12 w-full xl:text-6xl sm:text-5xl text-4xl font-semibold text-gray-800 capitalize">LongETH</h1> <p className="text-gray-800 text-lg my-3 font-serif">To supply ETH to Compound as collateral:</p> <div className="mt-2"> <input className="w-20 h-10 mr-5 rounded-lg p-3 hover:bg-gray-100 border-double border-4 border-sky-500 border-gray-800" onChange={(event) => setSupplyAmount(event.target.value)} /> <button className=" text-white bg-gray-900 hover:bg-black hover:text-white rounded-md p-4 " onClick={supplyETH}>Supply</button> <p className="text-gray-800 text-lg mt-20 mb-3 font-serif">Click below to go Long on ETH (*you need to Supply ETH before):</p> <button className=" text-white bg-gray-900 hover:bg-black hover:text-white rounded-md p-4 mb-20" onClick={goLong}>Take Position</button><br></br> <p className="text-gray-800 text-lg mb-3 mt-15 font-serif">Click below to claim profits (*ETH price should be increased to get profits):</p> <button className=" text-white bg-gray-900 hover:bg-black hover:text-white rounded-md p-4" onClick={closePosition}>claim Profits</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> )
- 供應量 - 從使用者->合約->複合協議提供的數量
- 最大借款 - 可能的最大借款(美元),基於提供的金額
- Borrow Balance Current - 通過合約從 Compound 借入的餘額
- 賬戶流動性 - 合約流動性
- 持有的 ETH - 合約餘額
函式返回的值比您想像的要小得多。Compound 協議將令牌值按比例放大,因此它們是整數。我認為你借了 0.00000000000002173 DAI,但你認為你借了 2173 DAI。嘗試通過 DAI 合約中的小數位數來擴大你的價值。
unscaledAmount * Math.pow(10, 18);