

  • March 7, 2021



  1. 一個人可以下載和使用多少個錢包?
  2. 如果我在上面的例子中使用了一個錢包,那麼我想更換我的錢包,我應該下載一個新的並從以前的錢包轉移到新的嗎?我的意思是人們沒有唯一的 ID,他們可以在不同的錢包中使用它來訪問一個唯一的帳戶?(就像我們的堆棧帳戶一樣,我們可以通過 Chrome、Firefox、Edge 等訪問它,考慮到瀏覽器是錢包)
  3. 加密貨幣交易網站如何運作?如果我想購買或出售 1 個比特幣,我應該將錢/幣支付到他們的銀行賬戶/比特幣錢包,並且其他人也應該這樣做,那麼網站會支付給我們嗎?我的意思是這是一個兩步過程還是買家/賣家直接轉移?








我的意思是人們沒有唯一的 ID,他們可以在不同的錢包中使用它來訪問一個唯一的帳戶?

Yes there is a unique piece of data that can be moved between different wallets and which gives users of that wallet control over an amount of Bitcoin. This is the private-key. It can often be generated from a seed-phrase, sometimes called a recovery phrase.

You could have ten wallets each containing the same private key. All of those ten wallets would show you the same “balance” and any could be used to spend all or part of that “balance”. The other nine wallets would find out about the transaction and adjust the “balance” they show. However having your private key in ten places is less secure than only having it in one (plus an offline backup of some sort).

You can alternatively import private keys into a new wallet but you need to understand the difference between the early type of private key and those used in hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets - an “extended” private key from which others are generated. When moving a private key from an HD wallet into another you need to make sure the new wallet is configured to use the same “derivation paths”. This can be complicated so it requires care.

How crypto exchange websites work?

In my view, exchanges are mainly for exchanging one currency into another. For example USD into Bitcoin or Bitcoin into Litecoin etc.

A member of an exchange will deposit some money into their exchange account and can then typically transfer some to the exchange account of another user of the same exchange without any fee. Amounts transferred this way are not recorded in the Blockchain. The exchange remains the “owner” of the money.

Exchanges also typically allow members to transfer money to non-members. These are typically a transfer from the exchange’s wallet to the other persons wallet and this transaction is recorded in the Bitcoin blockchain and involves a transaction fee.

How my personal wallet will contact the exchange’s internal wallet?

They don’t.



