如何製作持久的 SPV 錢包?(比特幣)
我在 SPV 節點上創建了一個錢包。錢包是從助記詞初始化的。收到一些交易後,錢包的餘額如下所示:
{ account: -1, tx: 3, coin: 3, unconfirmed: 136300, confirmed: 0 }
{ account: -1, tx: 0, coin: 0, unconfirmed: 0, confirmed: 0 }
const bcoin = require('bcoin'); bcoin.set('testnet'); const KeyRing = bcoin.keyring; const Mnemonic = bcoin.hd.Mnemonic; const HD = bcoin.hd; const node = new bcoin.node.SPVNode({ config: true, argv: true, env: true, logFile: true, logConsole: true, logLevel: 'debug', db: 'leveldb', memory: false, persistent: true, workers: true, listen: true, loader: require, network: 'testnet' }); // Temporary hack if (!node.has('walletdb')) { const plugin = require('./node_modules/bcoin/lib/wallet/plugin'); node.use(plugin); } process.on('unhandledRejection', (err, promise) => { throw err; }); const walletdb = new bcoin.wallet.WalletDB({ memory: false, network: 'testnet', prefix: '/Users/alestsurko/.bcoin/spvchain' }); (async () => { await node.ensure(); await node.open(); await node.connect(); await walletdb.open(); const mnemonic = new Mnemonic('uncover cash coral neglect upon nurse argue deal right song hood tennis'); const masterKey = HD.fromMnemonic(mnemonic); const wallet = await walletdb.create({master: masterKey}); console.log('Created wallet with address %s', await wallet.receiveAddress()); const bl = await wallet.getBalance(); console.log(bl.toJSON()); // Add our address to the spv filter. node.pool.watchAddress(await wallet.receiveAddress()); node.startSync(); node.on('error', async (err) => { console.log(err); }); node.pool.on('tx', async (tx) => { console.log('------ New tx. Adding to walletdb...'); console.log(tx); await walletdb.addTX(tx); }); wallet.on('balance', async (balance) => { console.log('Balance updated.'); console.log(balance.toJSON()); }); })().catch((err) => { console.error(err.stack); process.exit(1); });
sorta 創建了兩個錢包。第一個由頂部的外掛語句實例化,然後您還可以立即創建一個新的 walletDB。
:const {WalletClient} = require('bclient'); const {Network} = require('bcoin'); const network = Network.get('regtest'); const walletOptions = { network: network.type, port: network.walletPort, apiKey: 'api-key' } const walletClient = new WalletClient(walletOptions); const id = 'primary'; // or whatever your wallet name is const wallet = walletClient.wallet(id);