
使用 web3js 和 infura 部署合約

  • July 28, 2019
const Web3 = require('web3');
const fs = require('fs');
const solc = require('solc');
let web3;
if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
   web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
} else {
   web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('https://ropsten.infura.io/my key'));
const source = fs.readFileSync('./contract/coin.sol', 'utf8');
const compile = solc.compile(source, 1);
const contractCompile = Object.values(compile.contracts)[0];
const deployAddr = '0x.....';
const contractByteCode = '0x' + contractCompile.bytecode;
const contractAbi = JSON.parse(contractCompile.interface);
const gasEstimate = web3.eth.estimateGas({data: contractByteCode});
const gasPrice = '20000000000';
const myContract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractAbi, {
   from: deployAddr,
   gas: '15000000',
   gasPrice: gasPrice,
const initialSupply = 10000000000;
const tokenName = 'LLT';
const tokenSymbol = 'LLT';

   data: contractByteCode,
   arguments: [initialSupply, tokenName, tokenSymbol]
   from: deployAddr,
   gas: '15000000',
   gasPrice: gasPrice
}, function (error) {
.on('transactionHash', function (transactionHash) {console.log(transactionHash)})
.on('receipt', function (receipt) {
   console.log(receipt.contractAddress) // contains the new contract address
}).on('confirmation', function (confirmationNumber, receipt) {
}).then(function (newContractInstance) {
   console.log(newContractInstance.options.address) // instance with the new contract address
}).catch(err => {
   console.log("Error: failed to deploy, detail:", err)

Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: ""當我使用節點執行此程式碼時,我得到了。



   data: contractByteCode,
   arguments: [initialSupply, tokenName, tokenSymbol]
   from: deployAddr,
   gas: '15000000',
   gasPrice: gasPrice
}, function (error) {
.on('transactionHash', function (transactionHash) {console.log(transactionHash)})
.on('receipt', function (receipt) {
   console.log(receipt.contractAddress) // contains the new contract address
}).on('confirmation', function (confirmationNumber, receipt) {
}).then(function (newContractInstance) {
   console.log(newContractInstance.options.address) // instance with the new contract address
}).catch(err => {
   console.log("Error: failed to deploy, detail:", err)

我不確定它是否有效,可能您必須在使用 Infura 發送之前準備並簽署交易。

我猜你正在使用 Metamask 並實際使用他們的提供者,因此進入這種情況的真實情況:

if (typeof web3 !== ‘undefined’) {

web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);


else {

web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(’ https://ropsten.infura.io/my key’));


所以這可能是由於元遮罩的同步問題而發生的(我在使用自定義 RPC 節點時遇到了幾次)

我的建議是嘗試去 MM 設置並重置帳戶(它只會刪除交易),如果沒有工作,嘗試解除安裝並重新安裝元遮罩
